A Part and Apart

FALL 2022, MIT Core I
[MIT SA+P Archive Extension: a container for collection, a space for projection, and a center for connection]
Set within the courtyard framed by MIT Buildings 1, 3, 5, and 7, this project objectifies one of the key architectural elements of the MIT campus, the double-loaded corridors. At an architectural level, the corridors that are highly ordered and insulated with programs are exposed and stripped from their service programs, treating them as solely performative experiences that bring visibility to the people and activities at MIT. These corridors stitch existing programs of the institution to the new extension across different floors and buildings. At an urban scale, the existing building envelope cracks open to capture the archive’s identity to the public. This extension is both a part of the MIT institutional context as well as apart from it, distinguishing itself as an entity that spans MIT and the public.